<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
* This function parses comma separated name=value 
* argument pairs from the query string of the URL. 
* It stores the name=value pairs in 
* properties of an object and then returns that object
* Jim K - From Orielly JSB pp 244

function getArgs() {
	var args = new Object();
	// Get Query String
	var query = location.search.substring(1); 
	// Split query at the comma
	var pairs = query.split("&"); 
	// Begin loop through the querystring
	for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {

		// Look for "name=value"
		var pos = pairs[i].indexOf('='); 
		// if not found, skip to next
		if (pos == -1) continue; 
		// Extract the name
		var argname = pairs[i].substring(0,pos); 
		// Extract the value
		var value = pairs[i].substring(pos+1); 
		// Store as a property
		args[argname] = unescape(value); 
	return args; // Return the Object

// Set Defaults
var StyleSheet = "StyleSheet"
var OuterTableWidth = "640"

// Get the values back
var args = getArgs(); //Get the arguments
if (args.CSSPATH) StyleSheet = (args.CSSPATH);
if (args.OTBL) OuterTableWidth = (args.OTBL);
// write the path for the style sheet now
document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' 
+ args.CSSPATH + ".css'>");


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